

無料体験レッスン 上級者向けビジネスクラス



Hot Topics in International Relations and Business
-honing your debating skills on current international affairs-



Mr. McCarthy, Seiji

INSEAD, Singapore (MBA)
London School of Economics, UK (MA in International Relations)
Stanford University, USA (BA Philosophy and Religion )      

日時: 6月21日(木) 19:30〜20:30




1. お名前・フリガナ
2. ご連絡先 (Eメール、電話番号)

宛先: Tel: 03-3359-9621 Fax: 03-3353-8908


When communicating in English, we are often asked “What do you think about this issue?” Although we may not have a strong opinion about the particular issue at the time, when we actively engage in such discussions we can develop a better understanding of the issue and how it affects us as individuals and as global citizens. The goal of this course is not to develop strong opinions about issues, rather it is to develop our ability to participate in such debates and gain more from these conversations with English speakers. By doing so, we may find that our opinions and ways of looking at the world will actually change much more than if we do not actively engage in such discussions.


The aim of this course will be to develop the skills useful for participating in such discussions by engaging in a fast-paced debate process that sharpens and improves the language skills listed below:


  • Listening — hearing a presentation on a topic and picking up necessary information and facts
  • Critical thinking and reasoning — developing an opinion or argument based on this information
  • Presentation — communicating this opinion to, and in front of, other people
  • Feedback — receiving and providing constructive criticism about how we make our arguments
  • Discussion — synthesizing the steps above to engage in a final discussion about the issue


These skills will be developed over 10 weeks by debating some of the issues in international relations and business most urgently facing us as global citizens, English speakers, and people living in Japan:


  • Work Life Balance
  • China - Japan Relations
  • Global Warming
  • Social Protest Movements
  • Immigration
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • North Korea
  • Olympics
  • American Leadership
  • Globalization in Japan


At the end of the course, students should feel more confident in their ability to participate in such debates as well as improving their high-level English language skill for personal and business life.




平日 受付時間 9:00-20:00
土曜 受付時間 9:45-17:30


〒160-0004 東京都新宿区四谷1-50
最寄り駅:四ツ谷駅 JR中央線・総武線/東京メトロ丸ノ内線・南北線

