Kevin: Hello. This is Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin Podcasting. My name is Kevin Jones. This episode is the second of three episodes about telephone and internet chatting. Last episode we studied how to open a conversation. This week I spoke again with Nichibei student Emi about changing the topic.
Hi Emi. What have you been up to?
Emi: Hi Kevin. I've been chatting by voice on the internet.
Kevin: With who?
Emi: Lots of different people from all over the world. It's great fun and I get to practice my English.
Kevin: What kind of software are you using?
Emi: I'm using SKYPE, but I guess there's other software too.
Kevin: So Emi, do you think talking on the telephone and chatting on the internet is the same?
Emi: Yes. Basically it's the same but I think voice chatting on the internet is less formal and more relaxed because it's free.
Kevin: Good point. So Emi, do you have a question for the teachers?
Emi: Yes I do. I'd like to know, what are good phrases for changing the topic of a conversation.
Kevin: Phrases for changing the subject?
Emi: Yeah, that's right.
Kevin: OK. Let me make some calls to get the opinions of some Nichibei teachers. You can stay here and listen.
Emi: OK.
Kevin: First I'll call Nichibei instructor Ray Parnell.
Ray Parnell: Hello
Kevin: Hi Ray. This is Kevin. How are you doing?
Ray Parnell: I'm good, and you?
Kevin: Great, thanks. The reason I'm calling is I'd like to get your opinion on how to change the topic during a conversation. What are some good phrases for this?
Ray Parnell: OK. Am I the first person you've called?
Kevin: Yes, you are.
Ray Parnell: Well in that case, I'll suggest the most common phrase for changing a conversation.
Kevin: Which is?
Ray Parnell: "By the way".
Kevin: How do you use it?
Ray Parnell: This phrase is easy to use for changing the topic. For example you could say. "By the way, did I tell you about my new project?"
Kevin: Thanks Ray. That just what I needed. I appreciate your help.
Ray Parnell: My pleasure. Give me a call if you need anything else.
Kevin: Thanks. I will. Talk to you later.
Ray Parnell: See you at Nichibei. Bye.
Kevin: Next I'll call Nichibei instructor Scott Seeley.
Scott Seeley: Hello this is Scott.
Kevin: Hi Scott. This is Kevin.
Scott Seeley: Let me guess, this is another question for the Nichibei podcast.
Kevin: Yeah. That's right. Am I calling at a good time?
Scott Seeley: Sure. Now's fine. What's the question?
Kevin: The question is this, if you want to change topics during a conversation, what are some good phrases, other than "by the way".
Scott Seeley: Well, sometimes during a conversation we remember something or are reminded about something.
Kevin: So in that case, what phrase do you use?
Scott Seeley: I would say the phrase "That reminds me".
Kevin: How would you use this phrase?
Scott Seeley: Well let's say my friend is telling me about his vegetable garden. I could say "You know, that reminds me. I'm going to a garden party next week. Would you like to come?"
Kevin: That works well.
Scott Seeley: It certainly does, and it's very common in everyday English conversation.
Kevin: Thanks for your help Scott.
Scott Seeley: My pleasure. Glad I could help.
Kevin: Take care. I'll see you later.
Scott Seeley: Take it easy. See you next week.
Kevin: Bye.
Scott Seeley: Bye.
Kevin: Lastly I'll speak with Loring Ivanick.
Loring Ivanick: Hello.
Kevin: Hello Loring, this is Kevin Jones. Have you got a minute?
Loring Ivanick: Sure Kevin, what's up.
Kevin: I'd like to have your opinion. What do you think is a good way to change the topic of a conversation.
Loring Ivanick: You mean phrases to use in that situation?
Kevin: Yes, exactly.
Loring Ivanick: Well, there are many but I guess a common one would be "speaking of".
Kevin: Speaking of... That's a good one.
Loring Ivanick: Yes it is, When you'd like to move on to another topic that is related to the last one, you can start your sentence with "speaking of".
Kevin: So, if I was talking to you about a baseball game I went to last night, you might say....
Loring Ivanick: I might say... speaking of baseball, I saw Ichiro Suzuki in Ginza this morning.
Kevin: You did! Really!
Loring Ivanick: No Kevin. It's an example sentence.
Kevin: Oh, right. I knew that.
Loring Ivanick: Alright Kevin. Will that do it for you?
Kevin: Sure, we're finished. Thanks for your time.
Loring Ivanick: Always happy to help.
Kevin: See you Loring.
Loring Ivanick: See you Kevin, bye.
Kevin: Bye. So Emi, was that any help?
Emi: Yes it was, I think I can smoothly change topics now, with some more practice.
Kevin: Great. thanks for your question Emi.
Emi: Oh, by the way Kevin.
Kevin: Yeah.
Emi: Are there any announcements from the Nichibei office this week?
Kevin: Oh, thanks for reminding me. I actually have a question for Ms. Ono. I'll give her a ring right now.
Staff: Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin de gozaimasu.
Kevin: This is Kevin Jones. Could I speak to Ms. Ono please.
Staff: Just a moment please.
Ms. Ono: Hello Kevin, what can I do for you?
Kevin: Well, a couple of weeks ago you said that the deadline for the April term was March 25th, but do you accept late applications?
Ms. Ono: Yes we sure do. (announcement in Japanese).
Kevin: I see. That's good news. So there's still time to join the next term.
Ms. Ono: That's right.
Kevin: Well thanks for clearing that up.
Ms. Ono: My pleasure Kevin.
Kevin: Thanks Ms. Ono. bye.
Ms. Ono: Good bye.
Now, let's review the phrases for changing the topic of a conversation. By the way. That reminds me. Speaking of... And that brings us to the end of another episode, but of course I would like to thank Emi and the teachers who helped out with this episode. To find out more about Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin, please visit , and follow the podcast link for information and transcripts of this podcast. This podcast is a production of Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin and Live Mix Media.

Copyright © 2006 International Education Center, Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin & Live Mix Media. All Rights Reserved


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