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  3. 042_Leaving_Messages



Very often we have to leave messages for other people when we use the telephone. Nichibei Student Mariko asks for help with her telephone message skills from Nichibei instructor Kregg Johnston.

Kevin:Hello everyone and welcome to Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin Podcasting. A great way to review English words and phrases. My name is Kevin Jones. And here with us today is Nichibei student Mariko.Mariko:Hello Kevin.Kevin:And also with us is Nichibei instructor Kregg Johnston.Kregg Johnston:Hello Kevin.Kevin:Mariko, What can we help you with today?Mariko:Well, I often have to call our west coast or our New York office, but it’s very hard for me to connect with the person I want to talk to.Kevin:So, it’s hard to catch the person you want.Mariko:That’s right. I guess my English is good enough to leave a message, but I know I could do it smoother and with more fluency.Kevin:OKMariko:So I’d like it if you could help me brush up my telephone skills in this area.Kevin:OK. Good enough Mariko. Let’s turn to Nichibei instructor Kregg Johnston.Kregg Johnston:Well, I think the best place to begin is to listen to an example of your telephone English. I’ll go into the next office and you call and ask for Mr. King, OK?Mariko:OK.Kevin:OK Mariko, go ahead and give Kregg a call.Kregg Johnston:Good afternoon, Anderson, King and Cooper can I help you?Mariko:Hello, I want Mr. King.Kregg Johnston:I’m sorry, Mr. King is not in the office. Would you like to leave a message?Mariko:Message? Tell him to call me.Kregg Johnston:May I ask your name?Mariko:This is Mariko Yamada.Kregg Johnston:Does Mr. King have your number?Mariko:Yes he does.Kregg Johnston:Ok, I’ll give him your message. He should be back within the hour.Mariko:OK, bye.Kregg Johnston:OK. Overall your communication was adequate, but as you know, your politeness and use of set phrases need to me improved. Kevin, can you replay her part?Kevin:Sure, just a minute.Mariko:Hello, I want Mr. King.Kregg Johnston:There. Good. Now you would sound more professional if you said ‘good afternoon’ and identified yourself at the beginning of the call. And also you should use polite language using may I, could I, or can I speak to Mr. King. So the beginning of your call should sound like this…’Good afternoon. This is Kregg Johnston. May I speak to Mr. King please? Now you give it a try.Mariko:Good afternoon, this is Mariko Yamada, May I speak to Mr. King please?Kregg Johnston:Good.Mariko:What other phrases can I use there?
Kregg Johnston:It’s OK to say
‘Is Mr. King there please’.
‘I’d like to speak to Mr. King please’.Mariko:Is Mr. King there please?
I’d like to speak to Mr. King please.Kregg Johnston:Now, let’s listen again to the next part of your call. Kevin, could you replay that?Kevin:No problem. Just a moment.Kregg Johnston:Would you like to leave a message?Mariko:Message? Tell him to call me.Kregg Johnston:Again, your communication was adequate but you should be more polite. Try this set phrase.’Could you please ask him to call me back?’ Be sure to use the word ‘ask’ when you are making a polite request. If you are just giving information, you can use tell, such as the sentence ‘tell him I’ll be late for our meeting’. You can also use have. Listen to this. ‘could you please have him call me when he gets back?’ OK Mariko, have you got it? do you understand?Mariko:I think so.Kregg Johnston:Good, then I’ll go into the next office and let’s try this phone call again. This time use more polite language.Mariko:OKKregg Johnston:Good afternoon, Anderson, King and Cooper. Can I help you?Mariko:Good afternoon, This is Mariko Yamada, Could I speak to Mr. King please?Kregg Johnston:I’m sorry, Mr. King is not in the office. Would you like to leave a message?Mariko:Yes Please. Could you Please ask him to call me when he gets back?Kregg Johnston:Of course. Does Mr. King have your number?Mariko:Yes he does.Kregg Johnston:Ok, I’ll give him your message. He should be back within the hour.Mariko:Thank you very much. Good bye.Kregg Johnston:Good Mariko. That sounded great.Mariko:Thank you both. That helps a lot.Kregg Johnston:Happy I could helpKevin:My pleasure Mariko.Kevin:Now, let’s review some of the phrases used in this episode.
May I speak to Mr. King please?
Could I speak to Mr. King?
Is Mr. King there please?
I’d like to speak to Mr. King please.
Would you like to leave a message
Could you ask him to call me when he gets back?
Could you please have him call me when he gets back?